Monday, 14 October 2013





· 含水溶性叶绿素,更易被人体吸收
· 从细胞层面给予身体最直接的营养素
· 促进血液循环,提升精神活力

详细介绍请PM Christy at 012 6512228 or fb



PM Christy at fb

青蓝藻 螺旋藻

立新世纪青蓝藻 螺旋藻 Unicity


· 含最优质的青蓝藻
· 提供多种身体所需的营养素,帮助维持最佳的健康
· 采自天然海水培植之青蓝藻
· 以冷冻压缩法处理以保存营养价值


PM Christy at 0126512228 or fb





益菌能有效活化免疫细胞,如巨噬细胞及 T- 细胞,全面加速免疫反应。

  益菌有助清理肠胃,排解饮食及环境中得来的毒素,以免毒素积存体内及伤害重要器官,如肝脏及心血管系统。益菌内的耐酸性活性乳酸菌能有助身体制造酵素,提升身体的消化及吸收能力。同时亦能有效改善乳糖敏感症 (Lactose Intolerance) 的问题。
  益菌内的另外一种重要成份:低聚木糖, 为一种不被胃部和小肠消化的食用纤维 ( 寡糖 ) 。它能直达大肠内,成为乳酸菌的食物,有效增加肠道中益生菌的数量。而且,分解低聚糖的物质可刺激肠道,促进排便。
  此产品内额外添加的香蕈精华、乌龙茶精华、维他命 B2 及维他命 C ,给予身体不同种类的抗氧化元素,以维持细胞及身体机能健康正常。

PM Christy at 0126512228 or fb


再生 Enjuvenate™


2、促进肌肉细胞的生长, 以增加肌肉强度以及运动之能力与表现增加。
3、可以减肥。HGH是目前所知的最有效的减肥药, 也是目前所知各种不同的瘦身计划.之主角。4、HGH 所减少的脂肪大部分在腹部、臀部及上臂的内侧最明显。故HGH是唯一不需要病人每天苦心计算热量或注意.饮食种类的一种最轻松的减肥方法。
5、增强身体的免疫系。HGH能使萎缩的的胸腺再生, 并且恢复接近到原来的大小,同时使身体制造更多的T细胞,更多的新抗体、更多的红血球、白血球及自然杀手细胞,来抵抗疾病及癌症。 
8、显著改善因年老引发的各种慢性病, 如视力减退/骨质疏松/心脏机能障碍/肥胖、手脚麻痹、耳鸣、心悸、疲倦等症。

1990年DR.DANIEL RUDMAN博士宣布一项突破性研究,震撼了整个医学界;他宣布将12名

PM Christy at 012 6512228 or  fb for order



立新世纪 健骼营养粉 钙镁粉



Pm Christy at fb for order

Mengurangkan resiko penyakit Kardiovaskuler / jantung

Manfaat Bios Life C; 

- mengurangi resiko penyakit Kardiovaskuler/jantung
- menstabilkan gula darah - membantu penderita diabetes
- mengurangi resiko darah tinggi dan gagal jantung
- membantu mencapai level kesehatan Triglyserida
- menjaga berat badan - membantu mencapai berat badan

Hubungi saya atau fb

Warning Stroke?

Kelebihan kadar lemak dalam darah dapat menyebabkan penyempitan pembuluh darah dan bisa berakibat STROKE.
Bios Life C dan Salmon Omega3 dapat mengurangi resiko ini.

PM saya atau fb

Apakah Chlorophyll ? Dihasilkan daripada sumber tumbuhan semulajadi iaitu KLOROFIL


Chlorophyll Powder, Disamping diminum untuk menambah jumlah sel darah, menambah oksigen dalam darah, juga melancarkan/keteraturan menstruasi, meningkatkan produksi susu, membersihkan struktur gigi dan gusi pada saat radang gusi, mengurangi sakit tenggorokan, melegakan saluran pernapasan, membasmi bakteri pada luka, meredakan jaringan luka bernanah, membantu mengatasi masalah sakit perut, kesukaran bernafas dan bau badan

ChloroSpirulinaa menyokong sistem peredaran drah dan sistem pertahanan badan

Apakah ChloroSpirulina???

ChloroSpirulina ialah salah satu sumber terkaya dari spetrum zat nutrisi penting yang dibutuhkan tubuh untuk mempertahankan kesihatan dan kebugaran.

ChloroSpirulina dari Unicity mengandung ganggan air asin murni berwarna hijau biru (Spirulina Platensis) Suatu sumber nutrisi menyeluruh, spirulina tumbuh terutama di lautan Pasifik Selatan.

Kelebihan dan manfaat seperti berterang di atas.

Sila panggil saya di

Usus besar berfungsi tidak sihat? susah pergi tandas?

Jom, marilah kita start dengan kesihatn badan dengan lenkap pertama, iaitu membersihkan dan melangsingkan tubuh dan mendukung fungsi normal sistem usus kita.

PM saya dan start kersihatan anda pada hari ini!

Saturday, 5 October 2013

Complete 30days Detox Program

Getting healthy and staying healthy require cleansing your body of unwanted organisms and waste and keeping your gastrointestinal system running smoothly. Unicity's Clearstart is design to help your body remove impurities, cleanse your digestive system, and help your body utilize nutrients, vitamins and minerals essential to health and wellness. Clearstart should be the first step in any health, weight management, fitness or beauty regimen.

Here's a testimony from a a business partner Natra!

Any of your love ones suffering from this ?

Unicity International is proud to announce that the new edition of the PDR book, (Physicians Desk Reference) lists Unicity products.

The continued focus on clinical research has enabled Unicity to list : ...
*Bios Life Complete
*Bios Life Slim
*Cardio Essentials™
*CM Plex™ Capsules
*CM Plex™ Cream

and seven more products listed in this prestigious reference for health care professionals.

Don't wait. One more day for us, is one less day for them.

PM me to find out more.

Shared by Doc Sarena - CLearstart + Bios Life Slim

Shared by dear partner Doc Sarena

Shared by Fidah Md., thank you.

It's "Drink and Shrink" with Bios Life Slim for me !
NO cutting down on food I love to Eat,
NO Crazy unnatural Diets,
NO Backbreaking Exercises and
NO Voodoo Pills....
I love Bios Life Slim.It's Sooooo EASY to LOSE FAT with Slim!

Even doctors are recommending Bios Life Slim!!!

Bye Bye Telly tubby...
Bye Bye 7 kilos of Unwanted Fat!
Bye Bye Sinus!
Bye Bye Food Allergies!
Bye Bye Unnecessary Expensive Medical Bills!
... Welcome Good Night Sleep!
Welcome New Energy!
Welcome Good Health!
Welcome Happiness!
It Really Works!

Drinking Bios Life Slim two or three times a day with meals trains your body to burn away excess fat forever - without the jitters, or feeling tired and hungry all the time - resulting in a slimmer, more active, more attractive you.

Inside every serving of Bios Life Slim is perhaps the most thoroughly researched and carefully chosen combination of ingredients available in any nutritional supplement on the market today. The fact is, when mixed with liquid like water or juice and consumed before eating, the ingredients in one packet of Bios Life Slim go to work transforming your body into a fat-burning machine!

Because of the science behind Bios Life Slim, the medical industry is strongly recommending it to people who are seeking a safe, healthy, and natural way to lose weight.

What is Bios Life Slim?

Bios Life Slim is a revolutionary fat burning product; providing the first scientific breakthrough in fat-loss in over 30 years. Containing natural, proprietary ingredients, Bios Life Slim helps your body naturally regulate the amount of fat stored.

How Does Bios Life Slim Work?

Drinking Bios Life Slim at least twice a day with your meals trains your body to burn away excess fat forever - without the jitters, hunger, or confusion of other weight-loss products or programs - creating a slimmer, more active, more attractive you.IT BURNS FAT EVEN WHILE YOU ARE SLEEPING !!

How Long Will it Take?

We want you to slim down - and stay slim. A "diet" is something you do to your body; Bios Life Slim is something you do with your body. You're gradually training your body to burn fat, not store it. It usually takes about three months for this process to become permanent. Most users of Bios Life Slim begin "feeling better" within days, and report that a reduction in size starts less than 30 days later.

PM me for more info!

Clearstart 30 days + Bios Life Slim - Shared by Hazlinah

Lovely sharing by Hazlinah!!! Thank you.

With consistency, diligence & determination, she now dares to take a WHOLE-BODY pic in SEATING position!!!


"Never ever dare to take whole body picture, moreover in seating position. Tapi sekarang?? Yeah! Still more to lose la. But, at least ada lah kan. Thanks unicity. I understood the feeling of being overweight."

How to lose FAT permanently ?

Do detox with out Clearstart 30 (for one month) then consume Bios Life Slim for minimum 3 months

The benefits of this cleansing product are numerous:
It will improve the digestive system, restoring the finest digestive health
Bring back wellness as well as health
Improve and maintain the normal intestinal functions
Intestinal fitness will add to your overall fitness levels
It will keep you energized all day long
It will help your body to get rid of all the accrued toxins in a harmless process.
ClearStart will assist you in maintaining the regular bodily cleansing functions and help you to achieve complete wellbeing.

Bios Life Slim

Key BenefitsRegulates the fat hormone – Leptin – to achieve fat loss
Improved Cholesterol levels 改善胆固醇水平
Balanced Blood Sugar levels 平衡血糖水平
Improved Lipid profiles 改善血脂
Regulated Bowel function 调节肠功能
Great Tasting Mild Orange Flavor

Need to be Taken Only Twice a Day, Before Meals 100% Natural and No Side Effects.

Bios Life Slim --- A Clinically Proven, Safe, Effective, Natural Product for Losing Fat & Inches

PM me to get one set.

Ulcer - Natures Tea & Chlorophyll

"From my own personal experience...

It has been a week since I was suffering from mouth ulcer. I kept applying MEDI JEL - Gel for Common Mouth Ulcers. Ok, so I thought I can endure the pain......but it has been like that for a week! Instead of shrinking, the ulcer gets bigger!...

Then suddenly, I realise.....why not try Super Chlorophyll. Heard that it claims to cleanse the blood and blah blah blah.....oh ya, like real......or so I thought.

I make myself one litre of Super Chlorophyll water and drink for the whole day, yesterday......then tell myself, why not at night I double it up with my Natures Tea. So, I soak a bag of Natures Tea.....and drink just before going to bed.

I am so amazed by the results! Not only I feel a great reduce in my pain, I can eat normally NOW!


Unicity products

Senyuman ttp sama wpn dah ada beza.. kulit makin ok, jeragat n jerawat kurang jugak n kurang sikit bam2! genap sbulan bsama BIOSLIFE UNICITY. yg pnting adalah smgat, disiplin, kesungguhan n nawaitu utk berubah kearah yg lebih baik... Xcuba xtau kan..berani mncuba adalah nanti hasilnya.. Trpulang kpd dri masing2..
sharing is caring.. caring is loving!

PM me to get your set now.


Probionic - 症状减轻消化系统的健康不佳

Shared by Sindy, thank you.

"Forget about Yakult, give your children Unicity Probionic, they will love it!

Unicity's Bios Life ProBionic is a supplement for individuals who are looking to reduce symptoms of poor digestive health
症状减轻消化系统的健康不佳. In addition, daily use of Probionic will help to improve your immune system's response 提高你的免疫系统的反应。 ...

See how much my princess is loving it, she is 'drunk' into it. Hehehe. "

PM me for more info and order

Enjuvanate - Anti-aging

Sharing by Carrine from Brunei, thank you.

As we age, our production of human growth hormones starts to drop. Every 10 years after the age of 20, our human growth hormones drops 14%. That’s why we feel that our vitality tends to decline with age but neither do we want to just sit back and let it fade away....What we eat has a profound effect on our feeling of well-being and energy and with the ne...eded nutrients, it will help our pituitary gland to produce the needed human growth hormones (HGH) that can help our aging bodies rejuvenate and renew themselves.People with lower levels of key body (HGH anti-aging) substances seem to age faster.

Introducing EnJuvenate™:
With its unique anti-aging nutritional formula and proprietary formulation that positively helps our body to produce the body’s own natural production of substances (HGH) that help us feel younger.

Some of the ingredients in EnJuvenate™:
~Super Protein Complex supports lean muscle mass with a complete source of protein and enhances protein absorption.
~Pituitary Complex provides targeted nourishment that promotes cognitive function and youthfulness.*Regenerative Complex contains antioxidants that help protect against free-radical damage promote skin health.
~MacaPureâ (Lepidium meyenii) is traditionally used for enhanced energy and sexual well-being.
**Features and Benefits
~Strengthens and nourishes the body’s ability to generate energy.
~Supports the body’s production of natural hormones.
*~Stimulates the body’s ability to form lean muscle mass.
*~Assists in slowing the aging process.
*~Supports the body’s natural production of important ~biological substances.
*~No other product contains this unique combination of ingredients.

Pm me for more info.See More

Probionic - Diarrhoea, Bowel problem

Shared by Shermaine Tan, thank you

I had diarrhoea this morning. Visited the toilet 5 times in 15min! After 3rd time, I took 1 sachet & went 2 more times. Took 1
more sachet & I can feel the pulling pain in my stomach faded away.
Really don't have to spend $50 to visit doctor. Once again, ProBionic did not disappoint me…

Bios Life? ProBionic
ProBionic is a supplement for individuals looking to reduce symptoms of poor digestive health like constipation, diarrhea,
bloating, and inflammatory symptoms associated with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). In addition, daily use of ProBionic will
improve the immune system response, thus allowing individuals to defend against harmful pathogens with ease.

PM me now for more information or order.

No more knees pain - BM &C

Thank you sharing by Rozi,

"My friend Elaine loves to Argentine Tango, but because of her knees she didn't get to do much tangoing until she tried BM&C, after just three days she could feel the difference. And now she gets to spend longer on the dance floor and enjoy her love for tango!"

PM me now to get more info.


Bios Life Slim - Safe for nursing mummies

Bioslife slim - safe for preggers & nursing mummies

PM me now to get more info.

Period Cramps - X more pain - CHLOROPHYLL

Sharing from Sabrina

"Chlorophyll... My life saver for period cramps... Thank you Unicity for the world class products.. Good bye medication! I no longer need you, Naprogesic. You may be the strongest pain killer for me, but I found Unicity's Chlorophyll to be a whole lot better. Alhamdulillah, no more period cramps..

PM me now to get your set