Thursday, 12 September 2013

Bios Life Slim 41 years old look younger than 30 years old ??? let us find out HOW

什么是BiosLife Slim?
以突破性科学结晶解决身体过多的脂肪煩惱. 透过全天然的专利成分, 不含任何西药与兴奋剂成份.
BiosLife Slim 帮助您的身体自然调节体内脂肪水平。。。

BiosLife Slim怎么操作?
- 在几天之内您将感觉到您拥有更多的体力. 最初的锻炼 - 处理您的胃口.
- 在几天之内您将会感觉到对不良或含高糖的食物有较少食欲. 不要吃它 –
- 当您有以上的感觉时,您必须听从这些信号. 吃较少,并且更多地走动.

BiosLife Slim 的其他好处:
• 减少胃口和食欲
• 降低坏胆固醇(LDL)
• 提升好胆固醇(HDL)
• 降低高半胱氨酸水平(Homocysteine level)
• 平衡血压/血糖值
• 提升能量(没有兴奋剂)
• 调节肠道技能
• 多补充优秀食物的维生素和矿物质

BiosLife Slim帮助您吃正确与适量健康食物.

〜 吃高蛋白质(high protein), 低碳水化合物的(low carbohydrate)早餐
〜 避免零食/快餐
〜 饭食空间(4-4-12)
〜 减少加工食品的数额 (高糖和碳水化合物) / 喝更多白开水 - 不要喝高

PM 我询问更多Bioslife Slim的資料和訂购.

Dad os Linda Mandy - he made it ! Bravo

Great Sharing from Linda Mandy, thank you.

"Good morning everyone... This is daddy and i am shocked to notice his result this morning.. I went out of the house late for the 3 "awesome" full day course today because my mum and myself were so amazed that daddy actually SLIM DOWN.. He has been fat all his life... I dont actually remember him being thin... Mum did a good job feeding with good food i must say... So for him to slim down like this after 3 months of taking bios life slim...mcm amazing kan... He did some catwalk before i left just now.chey action lah dier...! Pretty amazing result... Now, i am waiting for him to check his cholesterol level, im sure his doctor will be too shocked to admit that Bios Life Slim work.. Ahahaaha and now i sound like a promoter. I am not okay.. I love the products lah. Sungguh bagus!!"

PM me to get your set.

They can do it, u too! Stories from ladies

Good and effective products that can help you, and you can help others to feel good, look good and live good.

Collage of shared success stories by our Bruneian ladies they have gone through step-by-step process of the Slimming program; first, by detoxing with our Clearstart 30days program.. followed by consuming Bios Life Slim 10-15mins before meal. They have found success with our Unicity world class products. Are you ready to experience yours? 

Inbox me & I'll be happy to guide you through!

Mineral Mask - look younger

日本第一畅销"矿物面膜"Mineral Mask 是好莱坞著名整容医生Dr.Berman发明,富含30多种矿物质和微量元素,是好莱坞明星上镜前的救命面膜(拉皮面膜)

~ 是由千万年前的火山灰提炼而成,全世界只有莫哈维沙漠中有这种火山灰,该土地已被Unicity买断。



〜 矿物面膜的配方不含化学成分#

有兴趣者, PM me. 不妨询问看看.

Saturday, 7 September 2013

Stop Trying to Kill Yourself to Get More Energy - Try Bios Life-E !

Osteoporosis - Calcium-Magnesium Complex

Everybody need Calcium-Magnesium Complex
Calcium is essential to Strong Bones and may Prevent

MAGNESIUM is involved in over 325 biochemical reactions in your body.

- body aches
- leg cramps
- fatigue or low energy
- restless sleep
- headaches and migraines
- muscle twitches
- chronic constipation
- insulin resistance
- severe PMS, and more.

Left untreated, a magnesium deficiency can lead to more life-threatening conditions such as:
- OSTEOPOROSIS and others.

PM me to find out more / 0126512228

Bios Life Slim for Nursing Mum

Nursing mummies are you in need of supplement and are you drying out cos of the tiredness due to sleepless nite?? Worry no more, we have the supplement just for you. The world class supplement that not only for you but giving the best nutrients for you n baby. It works for both. 

PM me for details. / 0126512228

Stay healthy with Christy

Bios Life C - Balance Cholesterol, shared by PD Carrine

Thank you sharing by PD Carrine, 

"Feel so good, my mum has been on Bios Life C for 6 months now. Her cholesterol results improved in April when she had Bios Life C daily and her statin only 3x a week instead of everyday. After that visit, she continues to take Bios Life C and totally did not take her statin until now and her cholesterol level is still good. Yahoo...she is officially off statin drugs and she only need to take Bios Life C! Food vs Drug! Yey! She did it!"

PM me now to get your set, / 0126512228

Stay healthy with Christy

Bios Life Slim - Shared by PD Carrine

Thank you sharing by PD Carrine,

After over just a month of taking Clearstart30 and Bios Life Slim,I'm beginning to see the result.I've went from 73kg to 67kg.Im beginning to feel lighter and more energetic now.Its not my ideal weight yet but I've changed from "4months pregnant" look to "2months pregnant" look.I'm still taking these wonderful Unicity products which I've come to love so much.Will definitely update more pics once I achieve my ideal weight.Want to give it a try?

PM me now / 0126512228
Stay healthy with Christy

Thursday, 5 September 2013

CM Plex Cream - benefits to joints

CM Plex Cream - moisturizing benefits to joints + Liposome technology ensures effective penetration

Shared by PR Shalina, thank you.

I woke up this morning, and my whole body ache like crazy especially my 2 thighs and legs! Almost jammed on the bed...I get up and took 4 capsule (double dosage) of this CM Plex capsule and rested for awhile! Guess what?! Just 1 I can walk around with very minimal pain and ache! No wonder my mum and dad always ask for this every's a superb product lah!

Tens of millions of people suffer from joint problems and pain. Joint health is key to wellness. After all, it's difficult to feel healthy when the very act of walking hurts! Keeping your joints strong, agile, and flexible is a priority for people wanting to live life to its fullest. When joints, which are made up of connective tissue, receive natural, effective support, the difference is amazing.

Now available as both a capsule and a cream, CM Plex™ supports joint health with a proprietary blend of cetyl myristate, cetyl myristoleate, and other cetyl esters. These compounds have been shown to help penetrate and hydrate the joints and increase mobility, encouraging a more active lifestyle.*

The cream and capsules work together synergistically. The cream provides additional moisturizing benefits, while the capsules offer additional ingredients for internalized nutritional support.

PM me now to get more info.

Bios Life Slim - one little packet can do so much

Thank you sharing by Justine,

Without Bios Life Slim I can't have the SLENDER I want it for long. Thanks to Bios Life Slim. Have u order yours???

PM me now to get your set!
0126512228 /

High Fever - pls find out more

ProBionic + Hawaiian Noni + Chlorophyll

Shared by Rose, thank you.

MeiMei was unwell yesterday.
She vomited the whole night giving out gassy liquid. Her body temperature shoot up to 39.5 deg.

I gave her ProBionic mixed with little of water. In a few minutes she vomited again, clearing out all the gassy liquid. She felt relieved and next I knew, she was sound asleep.

Since my babies are active babies its difficult to notice that they're having fever until their temperature shoot up to 39-40 deg. That is when they will keep very still and ask a lot of water in every minute.

Therefore, I give them Hawaiian Noni and Super Chlorophyll to keep their immune system stable. ProBionic is a must to have as babies tend to vomit and having diarrhea when their temperature is up.

Alhamdullillah... MeiMei is back to her mischief again...

Thank you Unicity for the World Class Products...

8 week pregnant consumer

Sharing from an 8 week pregnant consumer after consuming the products:


I and hubby planning to have our 2nd edition soon but the problem is that I’m diagnose with Polycystic Ovarian syndrome that causes irregular menses and every time it’s always a false alarm.

Thank to Unicity for producing world class products I decided to take additional supplements to boost my chances to conceive. My regime every morning with Soy Protein , Lifiber & Bios Life E a complete set of Breakfast and Energy boost .
Bios Life Slim 15 mins before Lunch & Dinner . Not forgetting Perform, Super Chlorophyll in the afternoon and Nature tea before bed time.


For purchases and more information simply PM me.

0126512228 /



Shared by Joan, thank you.

More orders from my doctor friend in JB. About 11 mths ago, we were introduced to a stranger by a doctor in KL and to her we are like God sent because she was looking for products which could replace the many medication the husband who is also a specialist was taking due to heart condition. She trust us enough to search about bioslife slim which linked her medical professionals in United States.. And from therein both of them have been on our products ever since.. Not only that she has blessed many lives with this great products. I still remembered when we first met the husband.. She
wanted us to speak directly with him and he was still working in the hospital almost 11.00 pm... With all the medical gadgets around his neck.. He had asked what you wanted to sell me jokingly.. And I told him.. We are not here to sell him anything... But if he has 30mins we like to share the Happy Life Project and how the wonderful products tied up with the project.. And he said ok.. It was so great to sandwiched between two doctors and able to share the project... As I was asking questions.. Suddenly the doc asked.. Is thissomething like the 'A' company... I asked What about it? She said
they use certain method to sell their product. I added if the product can help to reduce your husband from the many medications that he is taking now.. Does it matter if it use the method of 'A' company.. Anyway, I said I do not know how other company move their product but we are different. The husband said.. Let her finished the presentation... At the end of it... They decided to come into the franchise to be a smart consumer... As they use the product and discover the many benefits of losing inches, reduction of cholesterol medication, diabetes medication and increase the mobility... She
can't help but to share the goodness of the products. She simply loves the products. Most of all she said... I can see good and real people in the Happy Life Project. Thank you Unicity, thank you Unipower, thank you Team! If you want to know how to be smart
consumer, PM me. 0126512228 /

淨體套裝 Clearstart 30Day, 大腸癌, 預防胜於治疗

大腸癌, 預防胜於治疗。

使用 <淨體套裝 Clearstart 30Day>
是任何健康、 體重管理或美容養生計劃的第一步.


日經月累一段時間後, 環境的污染物及不均衡的飲食習慣促使體內廢物無法完全排出體外,並轉為毒素累積在腸內。

由於毒素的累積會阻礙身體吸收食物中的營養, 因此身體便會減緩消化道內蠕動速度,從而幫助腸道吸收食物營養。可是, 這反而導致更多的毒素累積。這個退化過程導致身體重要器官中毒, 局限身體自行淨化的功能。

毒素累積於體內所引發的症狀包括體 重增加、情緒不穩定、頭痛、血液循 環不良、脂肪硬化、免疫力減低、嗜 糖、焦慮、體臭、口臭、腹脹、消化 不良、精神不集中、記憶衰退、過早 衰老、嗜睡懶散及關節僵硬。 這時候,您的身體便需要外來支援, 以恢復身體自行淨化的能力。體內淨 化將讓您體驗到立竿見影的效果,讓 您體驗到整體健康、活力充沛及前所 未有的幸福感。

淨體套裝 Clearstart 30Day
Unicity的淨體套裝經科學實驗證明含 有豐富營養及效果顯著。我們經已設 計出一套可提供持續、長期性、更可 改變生命的完整淨化系統配方。 淨體套裝是革命性的淨化系統,可清除 體內的廢物及有害生物,讓您的胃腸道 系統操作順利。這個系統將擦洗您的腸 道壁以清除毒素和雜質,調節有害微生 物的菌叢並將之排出體外。
結合了這一切無懈可擊的淨化運作, 讓您的身體恢復元氣。

淨體套裝由三大產品 :
- 生力纖維 Lifiber
- 天然茶 Natures Tea
- 排虫威清靜營養膠囊所組成 Paraway

只要根據指示服用,這三大產品將為我們提供30天密集式的消化系統淨體計劃,我們更建 議您每半年進行一次。此外,許多人也因長期服食生力纖維而獲得更多健康上 的益處。當您的消化系統處於頂峰狀態時,您的身體亦會處於健康狀態,而許 多健康問題也將迎刃而解。除此之外,您的身體將能更有效地吸收維生素及礦 物質,從而促進身體的健康。

‧ 有助於清除體內有害及不需要的微生物
‧ 解決各種由虛弱的消化系統所產生的健康問題
‧ 幫助去除體內雜質及毒素
‧ 幫助徹底清洗結腸
‧ 促進腸道蠕動,排便順暢

欲了解更多详情请联系我 0126512228 /

Wednesday, 4 September 2013

Diabetic? Bios Life Slim

Sharing by Yaya, thank you.

"Thank you Unicity for bringing back my dad's health back!! 

Due to night shift work, he drank Redbull & coffee daily basis. Months later he had diabetic. After just 2 boxes of Bios life slim, his glucolic level dropped!! So does his inches!!! Happy daddy, happy me!!! Love you loads daddy!!"

PM me to get your health. Stay healthy

Clearstart + Bios Life Slim = Flatter stomach

ClearStart + Bios Life Slim

Shared by Nana mamat, thank you.

So many years being skeptical on diet n health products.. Being dat way i was always asked by frens n relatives if i'm preggy the 4th time,, of coz not but my stomach is big which look preggy.. Now not anymore coz i've found Unicity Clearstart 30 program + Bios life Slim n i got my result.. I'm so loving it as i still can eat my fav food while consuming Unicity health products.. Here i share my result coz i know u can do it too when u choose the right opportunity coming your way..

PM/SMS 0126512228 for more details.



Sharing by my very own colleague, Aini (Brunei), thank you.

Just by using Clearstart followed by 2 boxes of Slim, I can now wear my Baju raya 5 years ago! Secret is to not look at the weighing scale, just be consistent and not give up! When you feel hungry, you are actually just thirsty. Just drink more water.

PM me to get your set.

Come to find out how Joanna shed INCHES - Bios Life Slim

Thank you sharing by Joanna,

Darlings, Look at Anita 
She is shrinking and I believe she will get back to her 27inch very soon!!
Why INCH and not KG?
Bios Life Slim is a FAT LOSS product not a WEIGHT LOSS Product
So we shed INCHES Yeay!

Contact me to get your sets.

Detox program + Bios Life Slim = shared by Rose Ramli

Shared By Rose Ramli, thank you

Finally my own testy on SLIM me...
Ever since I conceived my second baby I gained from 45kg to 65kg (Sept 2009). I'm unable to loose weight cos in April 2010 I conceived my third baby.

I signed up for slimming program at one of the Spa and paid for $2.8k for 10 session. They kept on changing the program and the session got shorten and kept asking me to sign up for new packages.

Concurrently I signed up for Fitness Membership for Infinity Club for $4k plus. Diligently I went for the scheduled programs but due to some issues my membership got terminated. With busy schedule I'm unable to get myself into exercises to get in shape.

I was recommended by a friend on Bios Life Slim but not serious about the Product. Only last 2 mths I decided to be diligent and consistent. Alhamdullillah... I'm loving my body now and got into the shape again. Still I'm heading for leaner and healthier me...

Thank you Unicity for the World Class Product... I don't need to starve, no dieting, no restriction on food... Slim cut my craving and stop me at the right time once my tummy been filled...

Detox yourself with ClearStart 30 days.

Take Bios Life Slim 15mins before Lunch & Dinner.

PowerBurn with meals to give extra fat burning.

Brisk walking and hydrate yourself... Enjoyz

PM me to get more info.

Immune booster drink - Hawaiian Noni

Yummy immune booster drink!!

Benefits of Hawaiian Noni:
• Boosts the oxygenation of your blood
• Eases inflammation and soothes arthritis pain
• Protects the body from oxidative stress
• Prevents kidney stones and protects the body from oxalates in coffee and tea
• Alkalizes the body, helping to balance overly acidic dietary habits
• Cures ulcers, IBS, Crohn’s disease and other digestive disorders.
• Nourishes the body with minerals, vitamins, enzymes and glyconutrients
• Accelerates healing from physical burns and radiation burns
• Halts colon cancer, heals the intestines and lubricates the digestive tract
• Ends constipation
• Stabilizes blood sugar and reduces triglycerides in diabetics
• Prevents and treats Candida infections
• Protects the kidneys from disease.l
• Functions as nature’s own “sports drink” for electrolyte balance, making common sports drinks obsolete
• Boosts cardiovascular performance and physical endurance
• Speeds recovery from injury or physical exertion
• Hydrates the skin, accelerates skin repair

And guess what?

It is safe for all pregnant & breastfeeding mummies toooooo!!

PM me to get yours.

Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Unicity - PerForm - reproductive systems

Unicity PerForm

For men and women
Nourishes male and female reproductive systems

PM for more info

Bios Life Slim shared by Lay Ling


Thank you sharing by Lay Ling,

All my life I have been conscious of my size problem. During puberty age I was a size XXL. It really took me a lot of effort to slim down to Size L in my early 20s by jogging 2 - 3 times a week and taking light diets throughout the day. 

Marriage life is good, me & Bernard Kew love to explore good food around Singapore and hence I started to gain much more fats and weights resulting in my all life "INCREMENT" of 3XL almost going to 4XL. This increase is horrendous despite me hitting the fitness centre consistently 2 - 3 times a week.

I came to know Bios Life Slim this year and started taking it (after detoxing) in Mar 13. The best part about Bios Life Slim is, I can still eat my normal 3 meals according to Justina Lee. Although initially I am a little doubtful but I still want to give myself a chance to slim down and it really sounds easy. With consistency in taking the products twice daily, 6 months down the road I experience really good inch loss even though I still take my normal meals/late dinners and not working out consistently (due to super busy schedule now). This product is simply amazing! I am so so so happy! ^^

Now I really love taking photos and self-taking photos.

Is Bios Life Slim safe?? Definitely!!! It is clinically proven, patented and is listed in the Physician Desk Reference in USA.

Slim and look radiant is what this product has done for me.
Thank you Unicity for the world class products, muaks!

PM me to get more info.
0126512228 WhatsApp/Line

Clearstart + Bios Life Slim


Sharing from Yuki Qristania, thank you.

Ramadhan is a great mth to cleanse our Body, Mind & Soul.. - happy Losing some weight and also inches easily.
Syawal (Hari Raya) is a month full of Delicious Delicacies, visiting from house to house was fun with all the delicious food...
- worries of gaining the pounds you lost (and usually we will gain more than what we are suppose to lose... hehe)

I hv no more worries, infact I am enjoying all the delicacies as usual.. it's effortless to maintain the pounds lost .. and yet, I am still losing the inches.. ♡♡

PM me and i will guide you along.

Unicity Bios Life Slim shared with all of you how to gain back your figure

Unicity Bios Life Slim 
2 step only

Thank you sharing by Yani,

How u feel if you become like her..She transformed!! 

Plan to start SLIM journey? Ask us!!

Bios Life C

Shared by Sabrina, thank you.

Here is the sharing I did during August UPS in Singapore (as requested by some friends) 

My bf, 31, has a family history of heart attack. A few days after his birthday in April 2012, he felt dizzy, unstable and had difficulty breathing. I also forgot to mention that the left side of his body was numb. Took him to the hospital and his blood pressure was over 170! His ECG scan was irregular and due to all that, he had an emergency Angiogram procedure because he could get a stroke anytime if his blood pressure just keeps on rising.

After the procedure, he requested to go home. He was not allowed to move a lot, hence the picture he was on the wheelchair so he can move about.

He was again hospitalised for almost a month. Angiogram results showed no blockage in the heart at all. However, results from being hospitalised finalised the Doctors to charge him with high blood pressure, angina and anxiety that related to heart issues.

Still on medication but blood pressure was still high (158/95) even though after he changed his lifestyle, there was not much changes. Results remained high as per January 2013 reading and still failed his ECG scan every time.

At one point, he just stopped his medication end of last year and we looked for other alternatives. So we went to see a Chiropractor. Results? No improvement.

We didn't give up hope and kept on searching. He was complaining every time that he was in pain. I was in pain too just watching him suffer. I didn't know what to do, it just breaks my heart thinking I could lose the man I want to marry if I don't do something. So I did not give up hope.

So, sometime in May 2013, I gave him some Unicity products (Super Chlorophyll, Reviv, and Probionic) because as I am a Full Time student that was what I could afford first. Then we later switched to Bios Life C by end of May.

He had his 6 months review not long after that, and Doctors was amazed with his reading. After Unicity Products, his blood pressure and heart beat reading went back to normal (118/79). YAAAAYYYYYY!!!!!

After the good result, and proven with the holter device (I forgot to mention during the Seminar), he is discharged from the Heart Unit and his 3-6 months review has now been changed to yearly review for precautionary action. ALHAMDULILLAH!!!!!

Thank you Unicity for your world class products. Thank you for saving his life and I am now confident he will be there standing next to me on our wedding day

I spoke with Dr. Han a day before the Seminar, he said that "Heart attack will not just attack people over 40 or 60 years old. It attack ANYBODY. The youngest heart attack patient was 15-16 years old."

"Prevention is better than cure. Do not wait until you get it, then only will you start to prevent it." - Quoted by Happy Kat.

Start taking Unicity's world class products NOW. Life and time are the most valuable. And NO money can buy you the life back nor time.

Cheers everyone! Stay healthy! Be happy! Live your dream!

Pls PM me fore more information

Bios Life Slim - Photos cannot tell lie - see yourself and proved by you

Bios Life Slim - Photo cannot tell lie

Sharing from Rosefaizah Rosly 

Pictures says it all...

PM me now to get more info.

Migraine, Headaches, Sore Throat

Are you suffering from migraine, throbbing headaches, sore throat, dry and chesty cough, flu, bad sinusitis, dust allergies that can lead to difficulty in breathing and even asthma attacks to some!

Boost up your immunity and create a shield to protect you from getting all this unnecessary or unwanted bugs and reactions from bothering us by drinking Hawaiian Noni and Super Chlorophyll every day! 

Trust me, it works! Just like how it works for me, I am sure it will for you too!Try it and you will be a believer, for sure!

PM me to get yours.
0126512228 WhatsApp/Line

Suffering fr monthly PMS and menstrual cramps

Shared by Lay Ying, thank you

How many of my female friends out there are suffering from monthly PMS and menstrual cramps like I used to?

From young, the supermarket brands pain killer doesn't work for me and I always have to get the doctor to prescribe something for me to relieve my monthly ordeal if not i can't study, i can't take exam, i can't work.

I have been taking synflex for more than 10yrs and it just relieves pain when u need it.

Ever since i started taking Unicity supplements in Mar13, i can see the improvement gradually and this month I have little PMS and no cramps but just some discomfort.

Drugs maybe fast but it is chemical with side effects.
Nutritional supplements may be slow but it is natural and it nourish our body system.

Start to make wise choice today.