Friday, 2 August 2013

Paraway Plus

Paraway Plus is a unique and comprehensive product designed to help your body eliminate unwanted organisms.* It contains a proprietary blend of the finest herbal ingredients recognized for their cleansing properties. Paraway Plus provides the benefits of Black Walnut hull, Pumpkin seed, Clove bud, Sage leaf, Garlic bulb, Gentian root, Knotweed, Male Fern root, Hyssop leaf, Fenugreek seed, Chamomile flower, Black Pepper fruit, Peppermint leaf, Thyme leaf, Fennel seed, Diatomaceous Earth and Chlorophyll.

What is a parasite?

A parasite is any organism that lives in, with, or off another organism.
Humans can play “host” to over 100 kinds of parasites.
Parasites can be transmitted by contact…in air and in water.
Parasites can infect virtually every part of the human body.
The World Health Organization estimates that one quarter of the world’s population suffers from chronic intestinal parasite infections.
Classic symptoms of parasite infections include: allergies, anemia, bloating, chronic fatigue, constipation, depressed immune function, diarrhea, eczema, enlarged lymph glands, excessive hunger, fever, flu symptoms, gas, grinding the teeth at night, hives, irritable bowel syndrome, irritability, jaundice, joint and muscle aches or pains, nervousness, rashes, reddened eyes, sleep disturbances, weight gain, and weight loss. Humans frequently pick up parasites from their dogs and cats. If you make the effort to cleanse your own system, but fail to simultaneously address that of your dog or cat, you are setting yourself up for possible re-infestation. It is always a prudent idea to put your pets on a parasite cleanse along with you.

To stay free of parasites, you will have to take this product periodically. Taking Paraway Plus and colon-cleansing supplements such as LiFiber® and Nature’s Tea® twice a year is a good plan.*

- Black Walnut Hull

- Pumpkin Seed

- Wormwood Herb

- Cloves Bud

- Sage Leaf

- Garlic Bulb

- Gentian Root

- Tansy Leaf

- Male Fern Root

- Hyssop Leaf

- Fenugreek Seed

- Chamomile Flower PE

- Black Peper Fruit

- Peppermint Leaf

- Thyme Leaf

- Fennel Seed

- Diatomaceous Earth

- Chlorophyll

- to remove parts even believes parasites from the body.
- help clear toxins from the body.
How to eat.
The first 10 days take 2 capsules per day in the morning before eating after 5 capsules per day every day until the bottle out.Advice
- Do not use during pregnancy or breastfeeding child.

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